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״ʽ/״/ʽ/ʽglove box bag /Inflatable Glove Chamber
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؛ ̖ | 磨cm | w | ɷֱ |
JP584343 | ʹóߴ584343 | 105L |
21.6cm |
SP690325 | _30L7668 | 50L | 17.8cm |
SP690323 | _61L12299 | 280L | 35.5cm |
SP690321 | _92L147129 | 520L | 55.9cm |
SP690341 | _76L147114 | 500L | 48.3cm |
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塢״ʽӢĺAtmospheric Chamber/Glove Box /Hands-in-Bag
• Provides a convenient portable alternative to a "glove box".
• Made from high-clarity polyethylene which can be sealed, purged, and inflated with an appropriate inert gas.
• Seams are heat-sealed for strength and inflation tested to be leak-free .
• Provides a dust-free or controlledatmosphere environment.
• Inlet ports are provided on each side for laboratory gas, vacuum, and electrical lines
• Available in two-hand and four-hand configurations, with tape-seal enclosures.
• devices for sealing bags are included in each case.
• Hands-in-Bag is not fire-retardant or intended for prolonged contact with solvents, vapors, or chemicals.
• Hands-in-Bag is a flexible, inflatable polyethylene chamber with built-in gloves that lets you work in a
totally isolated and controlled environment.
• An inexpensive, portable alternative to the glove box and is well suited to a variety of tasks and materials.
• Minimizes worker exposure and preserves the integrity of the sampled bulk material.
• Hands-in-Bag serves as a portable laboratory for conducting tests, crime scene investigations, and other
applications where a clean isolated chamber is needed.
• Workers can quickly enclose, isolate, and seal a work area using Hands-in-Bag.
• Protect yourself and materials quickly without giving up lab space Effectively eliminate oxygen and moisture.
• Disposable chambers simplify cleanup.